Fall 2023 Security Reports

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
August 20 through August 29, 2023

Posted on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023  

Monday, August 29 | 5:00 p.m. | Lost Property | Wyndham

A student reports that she was informed that a package had been delivered to Wyndham. The package was not there when she went to retrieve it and there is no record of it at the campus post office.

Friday, Sept 1 | 10:21 p.m. | Alcohol Intoxication | Campus Center

A student was transported to Bryn Mawr by ambulance after becoming incapacitated following drinking whiskey.                                   

Saturday, September 2 | 2:40 p.m. | Medical Transport | Denbigh

A student was transported to the hospital by Campus Safety for irregular heart beat reports on their hear monitor.

Saturday, September 2 | 6:33 p.m. | Medical Transport | Wellness Center

A student was transported to the hospital by Campus Center for steam burns sustained while cooking.               

Saturday, September 2 | 8:42 p.m. | Lost Property | Campus Safety

A student reports that she left a bag containing a laptop and wallet in an Uber. The student declined to make a police report in the jurisdiction where she left the bag. Follow up conducted by Student Liaison. 

Monday, September 4 | 12:04 p.m. | Medical Transport | Pem West

A student was transport by Campus Safety to the hospital for a reaction to medication.

Monday, September 4 | 8:00 p.m. | Information Received | Merion

A student reports to meeting a male on campus and engaging in a sexual conversation. The student invited the male back to their dorm but declined to allow the male in when he made inquiries about her sexual orientation.                     

There were no other significant incidents to report. 

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
August 29 through September 10, 2023

Posted on Monday, Sept. 11, 2023  

Tuesday, Sept. 5 | 5:03 p.m. | Medical Response | Wellness Center           

Campus Safety assisted a student with a medical condition, feeling light headed due to the heat. They were taken to their dorm to retrieve medication.

Tuesday, Sept. 5 | 5:30 p.m. | Medical Response | Wellness Center

Campus Safety assisted a student who had scraped their knee and hand after a fall.                                

Wednesday, Sept. 6 | 9:17 a.m. | Theft | Gateway

A college employee reports that a calligraphy pen was taken from her desk. She stated that over the course of the past year other small items have been taken from offices in the building.

Wednesday, Sept. 6 | 12:50 p.m. | Medical Response | Batten

A student was transported to the hospital by ambulance after experiencing numbness in her extremities and an elevated heartbeat.

Wednesday, Sept. 6 | 12:42 a.m. | Alcohol Intoxication | Merion Ave

A student was transported to the hospital by ambulance for alcohol intoxication.

Wednesday, Sept. 6 | 9:49 p.m. | Medical Response | Denbigh

A student declined further medical intervention after they were evaluated by EMT’s for a possible head injury.

Wednesday, Sept. 6 | 11:22 p.m. | Information Received/Alcohol | Haverford College

A Bryn Mawr student was transported to the hospital via ambulance from Haverford College for alcohol intoxication.

Friday, Sept. 8 | 6:53 | Medical Transport | Brecon

A student was transported to the hospital at her request by Campus Safety for possible strep throat symptoms.

Friday, Sept. 8 | 7:44 p.m. | Medical Response | Wellness Center

Campus Safety assisted a student suffering with eye irritation.

Saturday, Sept. 9 | 2:45 a.m. | Medical Response | Rockefeller

Campus Safety  assisted a student who had sprained their arm earlier in the evening. The student declined further medical evaluation or treatment.

Saturday, Sept. 9 | 11:10 p.m. | Alcohol Intoxication | Pem Arch

Campus Safety transported two students to the hospital for evaluation for intoxication.  

Saturday, Sept. 9 | 11:28 p.m. | Info Received/Alcohol |  Haverford College

A Bryn Mawr student was transported to the hospital via ambulance for intoxication from Haverford College.

Saturday, Sept. 9 | 11:49 p.m. | Alcohol | Pem East

Campus Safety responded to a report of a student vomiting at Pem Arch. The student had been drinking earlier. They were evaluated and it was determined that further medical intervention was not required at the time. The student stayed on campus with friends.                                                                       

Sunday, Sept. 10 | 12:15 a.m. | Alcohol Intoxication | Merion Ave

Campus Safety reported a student to the hospital for evaluation for alcohol intoxication and related diabetic condition.

Sunday, Sept. 10 | 6:44 p.m. | Medical Response | Erdman

Campus Safety assisted an ill student. The student remained on campus after speaking with Telehealth.

Sunday, Sept. 10 | 9:55 p.m.  Suspicious Odor | Erdman

Campus Safety responded for a report of an odor of marijuana. Students stated that the odor was coming into their rooms from the outside. The source was not located.                                                         

There were no other significant incidents to report. 

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
Sept. 10 through September 17, 2023

Posted on Monday, Sept. 18, 2023  

Tuesday, September 12 | 11:45 a.m. | Fire Alarm | Rhoads  

Campus Safety responded for a report of a fire alarm. All students had evacuated the building. The alarm was activated by contactor dust. The alarm was reset and students were allowed back into the building 

Tuesday, September 12 | 4:51 p.m. | Suspicious Person | Canaday 

Library staff reported a male that was making them uncomfortable. The male was acting oddly, approaching several people and asking where the Constitution was. The male was identified as an outside member of the community and left the campus.  

Wednesday, September 13 | 4:44 p.m. | Facilities Notification | Canaday 

A student reported that while riding in the elevator they felt a jolt. The problem did not repeat itself upon investigation. Facilities notified. 

Wednesday, September 13 | 6:16 p.m. | Medical Transport | Rockefeller 

A student was transported to the hospital by Campus Safety for dizziness following hitting her head on a door at Park Science 

Wednesday, September 13 | 8:17 p.m. | Medical Transport | Canaday 

A student was transported to the hospital by Campus Safety for dizziness following hitting her head. 

Wednesday, September 13 |11:16 p.m. | Medical Response | Merion Ave 

A student fell off their scooter and hit her head. There were no obvious injuries and no compliant of pain. The scooter however, was inoperable. The student was transported to their dorm.   

Thursday, September 14 | 9:13 p.m. | Suspicious Odor | Erdman 

Campus Safety responded to the third floor of Erdman for a report of an odor of marijuana. A slight odor was detected but the source could not be located. 

There were no other significant incidents to report. 

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
Sept. 17 through Sept. 25, 2023

Posted on Monday, Sept. 25, 2023  

Wednesday, September 20 | 10:37 p.m. | Medical Response | Rockefeller 

A student was evaluated by Narberth Ambulance for numbness and tingling in their hands and arms. They had been previously been treated for a head injury. The student opted to go to the hospital via private vehicle.   

Wednesday, September 20 | 11:27 p.m. | Medical Transport | Ward Lot 

A student was transported to the hospital by Campus Safety for head and neck discomfort following an injury during a game earlier in the evening. 

Thursday, September 21 | 11:10 a.m. | Medical Response | English House 

A student was transported to the hospital by ambulance after passing out and not being able to walk upon waking up. 

Thursday, September 21 | 6:36 p.m. | Information Received | Canaday 

A student worker received a call from a city resident that they were concerned that a faculty member was conducting research in an uncontrolled environment in their home. A Campus Safety supervisor spoke to the caller and advised him to contact the police department if there was a safety concern. 

Thursday, September 21 | 6:51 p.m. | Fire Alarm | New Dorm 

Campus Safety responded to New Dorm for a fire alarm. It was discovered that someone had burned food in the microwave. The area was ventilated and students returned to their rooms. 

Saturday, September 23 | 10:05 a.m. | Medical Transport | Brecon 

A student was transported at their request to the hospital by Campus Safety after they had passed out. 

Saturday, September 23 | 11:43 a.m. Medical Transport Erdman 

A student was transported at their request by Campus Safety to the hospital for a possible broken foot. 

Sunday, September 24 | 9:22 p.m. | Facilities | Notification | Social Work 

Campus Safety discovered water on the floor while conducting an interior patrol. Facilities was contacted and responded. 

Sunday, September 24 | 9:49 p.m. | Vehicle Accident | Off Campus 

The Lantern Van driver reported being involved in an off-campus accident. Police took a report. No injuries were reported and only minor damage occurred to the other vehicle. 

Monday, September 25 | 2:42 a.m. | Medical Transport | New Dorm 

A student was transported their request to the hospital by Campus Safety for mouth pain that could not be alleviated. 

There were no other significant incidents to report. 

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
Sept. 25 through Oct. 2, 2023

Posted on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023  

Tuesday, Sept. 26 | 2:32 a.m. | Medical Transport | Brecon 

A student was transported at their request to the hospital by Campus Safety for body pain. 

Tuesday, Sept.26 | 2:15 p.m. | Booted Vehicle | Campus Center 

A vehicle was booted for numerous unpaid citations. 

Tuesday, Sept. 26 | 4:23 p.m. | Alarm | Rhoads 

Campus Safety responded to Rhoads for a fire alarm. A student had been cooking ramen on a hot plate in their room, setting the alarm off. The room was ventilated and student advised hot plates were not permitted  

Thursday, Sept.28 | 12:28 a.m. | Medical Transport | Erdman 

A student was transported at their request to the hospital by Campus Safety for fever and chills. 

Thursday, Sept. 28 | 5:00 p.m. | Suspicious Circumstances | Erdman 

A student reports that they returned to their room to find a towel and sign on the floor. The items had previously been on the door.  

Friday, Sept. 29  | 11:43 a.m. | Medical Transport | Erdman 

A student was transported to the hospital by ambulance for abdominal pain. 

Sunday, Oct.1 | 1:56 a.m. | Facilities Notification | Merion 

A student reported a sulphur smell in their room. The room was ventilated and Facilities were notified. Cause unknown. 

Monday, Oct. 2 | 5:39 a.m. | Medical Response | Canaday 

A staff member was transported by ambulance to the hospital for an injured foot. 

There were no other significant incidents to report. 

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
Oct. 2 through Oct. 8, 2023

Posted on Monday, Oct. 9, 2023  

Monday October 2 | 9:38 a.m. | Fire | Merion 

Campus Safety responded for a fire alarm activation. Upon arrival they discovered a fire in the light ballast in the basement The fire was extinguished by Campus Safety. The fire company also responded. There was no significant damage. 

Monday October 2 | 3:32 p.m. | Alarm | Pem West 

Campus Safety responded for a fire alarm. The alarm had been set off due to issues with the sprinkler system. Facilities was notified. 

Monday October 2 | 7:33 p.m. | Information Received | Pem West 

Campus Safety responded for a report of a student wanting to harm themselves. MySSP was contacted and the student was cleared by a counselor to remain on campus.   

Tuesday, October 3 | 2:48 p.m. | Property Damage | Human Resources 

A campus visitor reports damage to their vehicle as it was parked in the HR lot. A police report was filed. It is unknown how the damage occurred.  

Tuesday, October 3 | 7:07 p.m. | Alarm | Rhoads  

Campus Safety responded for an alarm. They were informed that the alarm was possible set off by a teapot in a room.  

Wednesday, October 4 | 9:24 p.m. | Well-being Check | Shillingford Field 

Campus Safety was contacted by a concerned parent that they were tracking their daughter’s phone and that she had not moved from their location for 45 minutes. The student was found to be with a friend stargazing. The student contacted their mother. 

Thursday, October 5 | 2:32 p.m. | Theft | Pem Arch 

A student reports that their electric scooter had been stolen from the bike rack sometime during the day.  

Thursday, October 5 | 9:11 p.m. | Theft | Erdman 

A student reports that their bike was stolen from the bike rack. The bicycle was not secured and she is not sure when the theft occurred. 

Saturday, October 7 | 5:27 a.m. | Suspicious Circumstances | Radnor 

Campus Safety responded for a report of a male attempting to enter a room. Upon arrival the male was located and identified as a boyfriend of a resident. He was intoxicated and had left her room to use the bathroom. It was discovered that he had entered another student’s room before attempting to gain access to the other student’s room.  The girlfriend was advised that all guests must be escorted.  

Saturday, October 7 | 1:02 p.m. | Medical Transport | Pem West 

A student was transported at their request by Campus Safety to the hospital for dizziness. 

Saturday, October 7 | 9:41 p.m. | Medical Transport | Denbigh  

A student was transported to the hospital at their request by Campus Safety for vomiting. 

Saturday, October 7 | 10:18 p.m. | Intoxication | Rockefeller 

Campus Safety responded for a report of an intoxicated student. The student was evaluated by ambulance personnel and deemed well enough to remain on campus. A friend volunteered to stay with the student.  

Saturday, October 7 | 11:21 p.m. | Medical Response | Old Library 

A campus visitor participating in a dance event was transported to the hospital by ambulance after fainting and having a low heart rate. 

Saturday, October 8 | 3:20 a.m. | Medical Transport | Denbigh 

Campus Safety transported a student to the hospital at their request for vomiting blood. 

Saturday, October 8 | 9:39 a.m. | Wellness Center | Facilities Notification 

Campus Safety responded for an odor in a storage room. The odor was determined to be raw sewage but the source could not be located. Facilities was notified.  

Saturday, October 8 | 2:04 p.m. | Medical Response | Wellness Center 

Campus Safety treated a student who had suffered an abrasion on their arm. The wound was cleaned and bandaged. The student was also provided a personal first aid kit.   

There were no other significant incidents to report. 

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
Oct. 8 through Oct. 15, 2023

Posted on Monday, Oct. 16, 2023  

Wednesday, October 11 | 9:21 p.m. | Medical Transport | Pem East 

Campus Safety transported a student to the hospital at their request for an infected ear piercing. 

Thursday, October 12 | 4:07 a.m. | Medical Transport | Merion 

A student was transported to the hospital at their request for vomiting after possible food poisoning.  

Thursday, October 12 | 11:32 a.m. | Vehicle Accident | Thorne School 

The operator of a college vehicle struck a parked car. Minor damage was reported.   

Friday, October 13 | 12:27 p.m. | Fire Alarm | Radnor 

Campus Safety responded to a fire alarm. It appears to be a faulty detector. Facilities notified.  

There were no other significant incidents to report. 

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
Oct. 15 through Oct. 22, 2023

Posted on Monday, Oct. 23, 2023  

Monday, Oct. 16  | 12:45 p.m. Well-being Check | Rockefeller 

Campus Safety checked on a student at the request of a parent. The student was located and found to be okay. They were advised to call their mother. 

Thursday, Oct.19 | 10:44 a.m. | Well-being Check | Rhoads South 

Campus Safety checked on a student at the request of a parent. The student was located and stated that they had overslept. They had spoken to their parent just prior to Campus Safety's arrival.  

Sunday, Oct. 22 | 2:27 a.m. | Medical Response | New Dorm 

Campus Safety assisted a student who had a headache and was feeling nauseous. The student took some over-the-counter medication and declined further intervention.  

Sunday, Oct. 22 | 10:19 p.m. | Alarm | Pem West 

Campus Safety responded to a fire alarm in a room. The alarm was activated when a student was using an electric tea kettle.  

There were no other significant incidents to report. 

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
Oct. 22 through Oct. 30, 2023

Posted on Monday, Nov. 06, 2023  

Tuesday, Oct. 24  | 9:30 a.m. | Vehicle Booted | Rockefeller 

Campus Safety booted a motorcycle for seven unpaid citations. 

Tuesday, Oct. 24  | 12:14 p.m. | Vehicle Booted | Campus Center 

Campus safety booted a vehicle for eight unpaid citations. 

Wednesday, Oct. 25 | 1:46 a.m. | Liquor Law/Intoxication | Rockefeller 

A student was transported by ambulance to the hospital for illness following consuming alcohol. 

Wednesday, Oct. 25 |  8:10 a.m. | Medical Transport | Erdman 

A student was transported at their request by Campus Safety for illness. 

Wednesday, Oct. 25 | 3:34 a.m. | Well-Being Check | Rockefeller 

Campus Safety responded at the request of a concerned parent to check the well-being of a student. The student had been sleeping and stated that they would call their mother. 

Wednesday, Oct. 25 | 2:56 p.m. | Medical Response | Goodhart Hall

Campus Safety transported a student to the Wellness Center after falling and injuring her foot. 

Wednesday, Oct. 25 | 8:10 p.m. | Well-Being Check | New Dorm 

Campus Safety responded at the request of a concerned parent to check the well-being of a student. The student had been sleeping and called her parents. 

Friday, Oct. 27 | 6:16 p.m. Theft | Rockefeller 

Campus Safety discovered that the booted motorcycle and attached device were no longer in the parking area where it was last observed. The boot has not been recovered. 

Saturday, Oct. 28 | 6:35 p.m. | Well-Being Check | Denbigh 

Campus Safety responded to check on the well-being of a student. The student was found to be in distress, feeling depressed and overwhelmed. The student declined to speak to a professional. Their parents were contacted by a friend. The student's mother stated that they would come to campus to assist their daughter. 

Saturday, Oct. 28 | 10:23 p.m. | Liquor Law/Intoxication | Radnor 

A student was evaluated by BMC EMS for intoxication and cleared to remain on campus. A friend stated that they would stay with the student. 

Saturday, Oct. 28 | 11:11 p.m. | Liquor Law/Intoxication | Radnor  

Four students were evaluated by BMC EMS for intoxication and cleared to remain on campus. All were transported to their dorm and remained with friends for the remainder of the evening. 

Saturday, Oct. 28 | 11:38 p.m. | Alarm Activation | Radnor 

A fire alarm was activated in the common area, possibly due to someone vaping. The building was evacuated, and the alarm reset.   

Saturday, Oct. 28 | 11:51 p.m. | Medical Response | Pem West 

A student was transported by ambulance to Bryn Mawr Hospital for evaluation for concerns of worsening condition due to earlier alcohol consumption.   

There were no other significant incidents to report. 

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
Oct. 30, 2023 through Nov. 5, 2023

Posted on Monday, Nov. 13, 2023  

Monday, October 30 | 1:29 p.m. | Vehicle Accident | Off Campus 

A driver of the Blue Bus struck a pole while off campus causing minor damage to the vehicle.   

Monday, October 30 | 9:01 p.m. | Medical Response | Art Studio 

Campus Safety provided first aid to a student who had cut their finger. 

Tuesday, October 31 | 7:45 p.m. | Medical Transport | Pem West 

Campus Safety transported a student seeking an evaluation after they expressed concern about depression and effects of earlier alcohol and medication interaction.   

Thursday, November 2 | 3:37 p.m. | Check Well-Being | Rockefeller 

Campus Safety responded at the request of a friend of a student regarding depression. The student was located on their way to class. They stated that were feeling better and that they had spoken to their therapist.  

Thursday, November 2 | 9:34 p.m. | Alarm | Canaday 

An employee accidentally set off an alarm in the Rare Books section. The alarm was reset and proper staff notified. 

Sunday, November 5 | 12:52 p.m. | Fire Alarm | Pem West 

Campus Safety responded a fire alarm activation. It was determined that the alarm had been activated by cigarette smoke or incense in a room.    

Sunday, November 5 | 4:07 p.m. | Suspicious Person | Denbigh 

A student reported concern about a man taking photographs on campus. The call was received three hours after the male was observed. No further information is available.   

Sunday, November 5 | 5:39 p.m. | Mental Health Transport | Rhoads 

A student was transported at their request to the hospital for evaluation and treatment regarding depression related issues.   

There were no other significant incidents to report.

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
Nov. 6 through Nov. 12, 2023

Posted on Monday, Nov. 13, 2023  

Monday, November 6 | 3:20 a.m. | Mental Health | Rockefeller 

Campus Safety responded for a student experiencing anxiety. The student did not want to speak to an after-hours counselor but did desire to have someone to be around and speak to. The student was transported to Campus Safety until their anxiety was alleviated.  

Monday, November 6 | 7:54 p.m. | Mental Health | Rhoads 

Campus Safety met with a student regarding depression. The student spoke with an after-hours counselor and chose to spend the rest of the evening at a family members home. 

Wednesday, November 8 | 2:23 p.m. | Property Damage | Erdman 

A dining employee states that he believes his vehicle was keyed while parked overnight in the Erdman faculty lot. There was a small scratch observed on the vehicle. 

Thursday, November 9 | 1:04 a.m. | Check Well-Being | Rockefeller 

Campus Safety responded at the request of a parent who stated that their daughter had low blood sugar according to a monitoring app. The student drank some juice and called her mother.  

Thursday, November 9 | 8:15 a.m. | Medical Transport | Schwartz Gym 

Campus Safety transported a student to the hospital after they had passed out during a workout and struck their head. 

Thursday, November 9 | 3:27 p.m. | Institutional Vandalism | Taylor Drive 

Several buildings along Taylor drive were defaced with acrylic red paint handprints during a protest regarding the conflict in Palestine.   

Thursday, November 9 | 2:30 p.m. | Suspicious Odor | Erdman 

Campus Safety responded for the report of the odor of marijuana. The source could not be determined.  

Thursday, November 9 | 9:28 p.m. | Suspicious Odor | Erdman 

Campus safety responded for the report of the odor of marijuana. The source could not be detected. 

Saturday, November 11 | 10:40 p.m. | Intoxication | Pem West 

An underage student was transported to the hospital for intoxication after consuming six shots in an hour and a half. 

Sunday, November 12 | 12:19 a.m. | Intoxication | Denbigh 

An underage student was evaluated by student EMT’s after vomiting as a result of alcohol consumption. The student did not require further medical attention and remained on campus. 

Sunday, November 12 | 1:04 a.m. | Intoxication | Pem West 

A student (21 yrs old) was evaluated by student EMT’s after a fall and vomiting as a result of alcohol consumption. The student was cleared to remain on campus after consultation with a doctor.  

Sunday, November 12 | 3:09 a.m. | Check Well-Being | Pem West 

Campus Safety responded to check the well-being of a student who was concerned that they were not waking up. Campus Safety awoke the student and it was determined that they were just in a deep state of sleep.   

Sunday, November 12 | 10:53 a.m. | Medical Transport | Pem West 

Campus Safety transported a student to the hospital for symptoms of a concussion after they had struck their head several times while drinking the previous evening.  

Sunday, November 12 | 11:09 a.m. | Suspicious Odor | Erdman 

Campus Safety responded for the report of an odor of marijuana. The source could not be determined. 

There were no other significant incidents to report. 

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
Nov. 20 through Nov. 26, 2023

Posted on Monday, Nov. 27, 2023  

Monday, November 20 | 10:39 a.m. | Medical Transport | Rhoads 

A student was transported to the hospital by Campus Safety for further evaluation at the request of the Health Center. 

Monday, November 20 | 7:49 p.m. | Well-Being Check | Rhoads 

Campus Safety checked on the well-being of a student after concerns from a fellow student. The student did not appear to be in distress. They were provided resources for follow-up. 

Monday, November 20 | 8:44 p.m. | Medical Transport | Rhoads 

A student was transported at their request by Campus Safety to the hospital for an illness. 

Tuesday, November 21 | 9:43 a.m. | Well-Being Check | Rockefeller 

Campus Safety responded to check on a student at the request of the Counseling Center. The student was located and transported to the Wellness Center for follow-up.  

Thursday, November 23 | 11:22 a.m. | Well-Being Check | New Dorm 

Campus Safety checked on a student at the request of a concerned parent.  The student was located an agreed to call her mother. 

Friday, November 17 | 1:51 p.m. | Fraud | Campus Safety 

A student reports being scammed out of a large sum of money by an individual they met on a dating app. Campus Safety assisted her in closing her accounts and notifying police. 

Sunday, November 26 | 9:15 p.m. | Medical Transport | Denbigh 

A student was transported at their request to the hospital by Campus Safety for respiratory issues. There were no other significant incidents to report. 

There were no other significant incidents to report. 

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
Nov. 26 through Dec. 3, 2023

Posted on Monday, Dec. 4, 2023  

Monday, November 27 | 12:52 p.m. | Well-Being Check | Erdman 

Campus Safety conducted a check on the well being of a student at the request of the Dean’s office. The student was not located at the time. A note was left for the student to contact their dean. The student later contacted Campus Safety and stated that they had spoken with their mother. 

Tuesday, November 28 | 11:59 p.m. | Safety Hazard | Denbigh 

Campus Safety discovered water leaking above a housekeeping closet. The source was found in the closet on the floor above. The leak was corrected.  

Wednesday, November 29 | 9:36 a.m. | Well-Being Check | Rockefeller 

Campus Safety and a member of the Dean’s office conducted a check of the well being of a student. The student was located and accompanied with the dean for a meeting. 

Wednesday, November 29 | 9:09 p.m. | Alarm Activation | Radnor 

Campus Safety responded for an alarm activation in a room. It appears that the cause was a faulty detector. Facilities responded. 

Thursday, November 30 | 1:07 p.m. | Medical Transport | Erdman 

Campus Safety transported a student to the hospital at their request after they had cut their finger and were feeling light-headed.   

Friday, December 1 | 12:34 p.m. | Well-Being Check | New Dorm 

Campus Safety checked on the well-being of a student at the request of a concerned parent. The student was located and had been sleeping. They were advised to contact their mother. 

Sunday, December 3 | 2:20 a.m. |Intoxication | Rhoads  

Campus Safety responded for a transport request from a student. The student was found to be visibly intoxicated. It was determined that the student did not require treatment after evaluation. A friend stated that they would be staying with the student and would call Campus Safety if their condition deteriorated.  

Sunday, December 3 | 12:00 p.m. | Medical Transport | Old Library 

Campus Safety responded for a report of an injured student. The student had lost their footing and fell on the steps and injured their wrist. They were transported to the hospital at their request for evaluation. No tripping hazards were visible.     

Sunday, December 3 | 2:36 p.m. | Well-Being Check | Radnor 

Campus Safety responded to check the well-being of a student at the request of a parent. The student was not in their residence at the time. A note was left and the parent notified of the outcome. The student had last used their One Card at 12:42 pm. 

There were no other significant incidents to report. 

ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety
Dec. 3 through Dec. 10, 2023

Posted on Monday, Dec. 11, 2023  

Wednesday, December 6  | 7:33 p.m. | Assist Student | New Dorm 

Campus Safety assisted a student who has having a dispute with another student. The student was provided appropriate resources.  

Thursday, December 7 | 1:54 a.m. | Medical Transport | Pem West 

Campus Safety transported a student to the hospital at their request for pain and overmedicating. 

Thursday, December 7 | 5:58 p.m. | Medical Response | Wellness Center 

A student was transported to the hospital by ambulance following an allergic reaction and administration of an epi-pen. 

Thursday, December 7 | 7:04 p.m. | Medical Transport | Erdman 

Campus Safety transported a student to the hospital at their request for an injury after a roller-skating mishap.    

Friday, December 8 | 10:32 p.m. | Medical Transport | Denbigh 

Campus Safety transported a student to the hospital at their request for respiratory issues. 

Saturday, December 9 | 8:38 a.m. | Medical Transport | Pem East 

Campus Safety transported a student to the hospital at their request for an ankle injury.  

Saturday, December 9 | 1:35 p.m. | Medical Transport | New Dorm 

Campus Safety transported a student to the hospital at their request for dizziness and chest pains.     

Saturday, December 9 | 10:42 p.m. | Alcohol  

Campus Safety responded for a report of an ill student due to alcohol consumption. The student was evaluated and did not require medical intervention. Friends volunteered to stay with the student for the evening and advised to call Campus Safety if their condition worsened.      

Sunday, December 10 | 10:24 a.m. | Facilities Notification | Erdman 

Facilities was notified of a broken/damaged automatic toilet flusher.   

Sunday, December 10 | 1:51 p.m. | Medical Transport | New Dorm Dining 

A staff member was transported to the hospital at their request for a hand injury sustained earlier in the week.  

There were no other significant incidents to report. 



Contact Us

Campus Safety Department

John Maloney Memorial Building
Phone: (610) 526-7911

Lil Burroughs
Bi-Co Executive Director, Campus Safety
Phone: (610) 526-7911