Bryn Mawr Stories

Photograph of Cahokia, showing pathways around two hills with woods in the foreground.

360°: Origins of Freedom

How might human beings live according to nature? Is property natural? Is freedom or unfreedom? How can studying human societies in the past inform collective organization in the present?

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Students and faculty from the 360° Climate Change: Science and Politics course cluster.

360°: Climate Change: Science and Politics

This cluster integrates philosophical, scientific, and policy perspectives to highlight both the complexity of climate change and the many innovative ideas being developed to address it worldwide.

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Children's handprints

360°: Learning and Narrating Childhoods

Incorporating a visit to the Titagya school in rural Ghana, this 360° explores how children grow and develop in different contexts (e.g. schools, communities, households) and cultures (e.g., the United States, West Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa) and how this growth and development is conceptualized and represented–in texts and theories–mainly by adults, across cultures and fields of study.

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textile class

360°: Textiles in Context

This cluster provides a multidisciplinary approach to the technical analysis, historical interpretation, and museum display of early Byzantine textiles.

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China and the Environment 360 on factory tour

360°: China and the Environment

This 360° cluster, comprised of courses in philosophy, history (East Asian Studies), and economics, will look at the many environmental problems and issues that beset our contemporary world. We will explore the environment from the perspective of several disciplines: philosophy (both "Western" and "Eastern"), economics, history, politics, and natural science.

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Four people stand in the foreground of a glacier lake

360°: Energy Afterlives

What comes in the wake of energy extraction? This cluster will examine the afterlives of coal, oil, and nuclear energy through the lenses of the arts, political science, and earth science.

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Mural of pioneering women

360°: Changing Education

Changing Education, the first 360° offering at Bryn Mawr, is inspired by the College's 125th anniversary in 2010-11.

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Zenzi Tholo '25

Making a Difference

“What really drew me to Bliss Dental was the goals the company has to make dental care available and accessible in the Black community and to make it a safe space.â€

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Mechella Yezernitskaya

Making a Difference

"One of the questions I ask in my dissertation is, what does it mean to be physically far but psychologically close to a conflict? I find myself in the role of someone who is experiencing this war from afar yet incredibly close to my loved ones."

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Fay Koyfman '24

making a difference

“The goal is to make sure everyone has an equal opportunity for treatments and cures. This resonated with me because I am interested in medicine and specifically making sure there is equity in medicine.â€

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Meagan Murray-Bruce

Meagan Murray-Bruce '20

Experiential Learning

I chose Bryn Mawr because my college counselor recommended it to me. He said if I wanted to go to a school that competed at basketball at a very high level and also had a strong Mathematics Department, that Bryn Mawr was the right school for me.

Meagan's Story

Alina Peon '22

Founded Laid Back Runners Club

"The big push for student activism was what attracted me the most about Bryn Mawr. This is a campus where students use their passion to change things. My passion is running and I wanted to encourage people to cherish running and see it as a medium to build community and lift each other up."

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