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Health & Wellness Center


The Health & Wellness Center provides a full array of primary medical and psychological counseling services for students.

During the academic year, the Center is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday–Friday. Health Services is also available Monday and Thursday evenings until 7 p.m. . On other days and times when the Health & Wellness Center is closed, contact as follows:

For Medical Concerns:

Non-Life-Threatening Emergencies:
Call Team Health Medical and Nurse on-call at 610-517-4921

Life-Threatening Emergencies:
Call Campus Safety at 610-526-7911 (on-campus) or 911 (off-campus)

For Mental Health/Counseling Concerns:

Non-Life-Threatening Emergencies: 
Students can reach the on-call counseling service by calling 610-526-7778 for concerns that cannot wait until the Health & Wellness Center reopens. Students can also access Counseling Services through our , which is available for free to all students enrolled at BMC. Through the app, students can access a counselor by text, phone, and teletherapy 24/7.

Life-Threatening Emergencies:
Call Campus Safety at 610-526-7911 (on-campus) or 911 (off-campus)

Policy on Confidentiality

The confidentiality of the healthcare provider-student relationship is respected at all times. No information regarding your health will be released without your permission.

Matters of health become practical issues when questions of extensions and absences from class arise. At such times, you may want us to inform your dean or the Department of Athletics and Physical Education (if you are enrolled in PE courses) about your health, and you will be asked what information you wish to have shared and with whom.

However, in the case of a life-threatening emergency, such as any event in which a student is incapacitated and unable to speak for themself, has stated suicidal intent, or made a suicide attempt, the College administration and its Health Services personnel will intervene at their discretion and inform the emergency contact person or others who may need to be involved to assure the student’s safety. Student Health Services are available to all matriculated undergraduate, graduate, and post-baccalaureate students. All students are required to have a completed admission health history and physical exam form on file at the Health Center.

Health Services

Health Services provides general healthcare to all enrolled students while classes are in session. Though not an urgent care or emergency department, Medical Services can provide treatment for many non-life-threatening illnesses and injuries along with preventative care services.

  • Immediate Nurse telephone triage available for consultation, every day during the hours of operation.
  • Physician or nurse practitioner appointments available Monday through Friday.
  • Routine gynecologic care, provided by nurse practitioners, including contraception counseling, education about sexuality and sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy tests, and confidential testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections.
  • Sexual health products care center provides education about reproductive health and free barrier protection products..

Most physician, nurse practitioner and nursing visits are provided free of charge to students. No student will be denied needed care due to inability to pay. However, there may be charges for some services including the following:

  • Contraceptive supplies
  • Over-the-counter medications
  • Laboratory tests
  • Prescriptions dispensed at the Health & Wellness Center

Although the Health & Wellness Center does not participate in any insurance plans, many of these services will be covered by insurance if the student submits their receipt of services and the proper paperwork to their insurance company.

Preventive medicine services are provided at no cost to the student except for the cost of recommended vaccinations and laboratory studies. A recommendation for vaccine may be indicated at the time of visit. Health Services may or may not always have the recommended vaccine available on site.

The cost of the vaccine provided at the time of service may be submitted to the insurance company by the student for full reimbursement on the student health care plan, or the student may choose to use the local commercial pharmacy,  i.e., CVS or Rite Aid pharmacy, to receive the recommended vaccination. The commercial pharmacy will bill the student’s medical insurance for reimbursement. Health & Wellness Center staff are readily available to assist the student with any questions they may have about their medical insurance plan.

Counseling Services

Counseling Services is dedicated to delivering excellent clinical care to the College’s diverse student population. The college years are a time of accelerated growth, significant challenges, and considerable stress. In a confidential setting, our clinicians listen carefully to student concerns and help them address issues large and small. Each year, approximately one- third of our student body uses our services.

Counseling Services provides brief assessments, individual psychotherapy, teletherapy, therapeutic groups, workshops, crisis intervention, case management, mediation, outreach, advocacy, psychiatric medication evaluation and management, and referral services for BMC undergraduate, graduate, and post-bac students.. Students are seen within 24 hours for brief assessments (immediately if there is a crisis) and are typically matched with a clinician for ongoing services within a week of that initial assessment. All Counseling Services are free and confidential.

Sexual Assault Counseling & Care

Bryn Mawr is committed to helping any student who has experienced sexual assault. Counselors, Health & Wellness Center personnel, residential life staff, Campus Safety officers, and deans will support a student through the recovery process.

Options for Students Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted

Any student who experiences any form of sexual violence has the option to seek help from resources available through the College and/or from outside sources. The following is a short list of options available to students seeking help at Bryn Mawr. More detailed information about each option is provided on the Title IX sex descrimination web page. 

 You may:

  • Contact the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Health & Wellness Center (610-526-7360) to receive general medical care, speak to a counselor, and/or discuss other medical and support options confidentially.
  • Go to Bryn Mawr Hospital () to receive a medical examination, which is admissible in court as evidence of an assault.
  • Call ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Campus Safety (x7911, 911 in emergencies) to arrange for transportation to the Health & Wellness Center or to Bryn Mawr Hospital, and/or to report an incident.
  • Contact the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Interim Title IX Coordinator, Kim Pacelli (contact information below), to report an incident and receive support and resources..
  • Call Lower Merion Township Police (610-642-4200) to arrange transportation to Bryn Mawr Hospital, to report a sexual assault, or to request emergency medical assistance.

For questions or concerns about Title IX at Bryn Mawr, contact the College’s Title IX Coordinator:

Kim Pacelli

Survivor’s Bill of Rights

If you are sexually assaulted, you have basic rights and considerations as a crime victim, including but not limited to:

  • Have any allegations of sexual assault taken seriously and without any suggestion that survivors are responsible for sexual assault.
  • Be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of gender, gender identity, race, age, income level, physical abilities, cognitive abilities, or sexual, medical, and mental health history.
  • Have timely access to emergency and crisis Counseling Services.
  • Be accompanied by an advocate while receiving victim services.
  • Be informed of legal rights and
    available resources.
  • Be informed of safety planning and protection services.
  • Be informed of appropriate follow-up treatment, medical testing, and counseling.
  • Be notified of options for and assistance with changing academic and/or living situations if so requested and if such changes are reasonably available.
  • Have the College conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of the allegation, preserving the privacy of the survivor to the extent possible within the requirements of Title IX.
  • Be able to give testimony in a campus hearing by means other than being in the same room with the accused.
  • Have a support person present during campus disciplinary proceedings.
  • Be informed of the outcome of the sexual assault disciplinary proceedings.

Drug & Alcohol Education & Counseling Services

Educational Programming

Entering first-year students are required to complete the multi-section online alcohol education program, Alcohol-Wise, which begins during the summer before the start of the first year with the completion of part one. The remaining sections are completed during the first semester of the academic year. The online program is the first part of an ongoing discussion about campus norms that continues during the THRIVE course, which all first- years are required to take during their first semester. Throughout the academic year, educational programs are offered for students about the physical, emotional, and social consequences of alcohol and other drug use for the individual and the College community. The goal of these programs is to empower students with the information they need to make responsible choices and to develop healthy social skills.

Party-host trainings are offered throughout the semester for those who choose to host parties. These trainings review the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô alcohol and party policies, the Pennsylvania state laws concerning the distribution and consumption of alcohol, and the risks and liabilities of anyone, regardless of age, who serves minors. Also included in the training are low-risk guidelines for drinking, information about how blood- alcohol content affects behavior and judgment, and how to care for an intoxicated person.

Counseling and Support Groups

Counseling can be arranged through the Health & Wellness Center by calling 610-526-7360. Confidential individual counseling/information sessions are available, by appointment, for any student who has questions or concerns about their own use of alcohol or other drugs, or that of a friend or family member. Students can talk to the counselor about someone they care about without revealing the person’s identity. Confidentiality is assured unless the situation is life-threatening.

Support groups may be offered throughout the year on a variety of drug and alcohol issues, depending on student interest.

The Health & Wellness Center has books and educational videos on addiction and related topics. These materials are available to students for both personal or research purposes.