
Staff Association Constitution

Article I. Name

The name of the organization shall be the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Staff Association.

Article II. Membership

  • Every person employed at the College shall be a member of the Staff Association with the exception of members of the senior staff administration (those who report directly to the President) and those with primarily faculty or student status.

Article III. Purpose

  • To provide formal lines of communication between staff members, College administration, and other members of the College community.

  • To provide forums in which staff members can discuss and learn more about College policies, procedures, and employment conditions, and a means for facilitating positive change on campus.

  • To promote community and a sense of belonging among staff members.

Article IV. Membership Privileges and Responsibilities

  • All College staff members shall have the right to be elected or appointed to serve as a representative on the Staff Association Executive Council. As such, they hold office within the organization, have voting privileges, and represent the Staff Association on College committees.

  • In accordance with the bylaws, all Executive Council representatives (whether elected or appointed) are responsible for representing the interests of all ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô staff and they are expected to treat everyone with mutual respect.

  • Any Staff Association Executive Council representative may resign from the Executive Council at any time via written notice.

Article V. Representatives and Officers

  • The Staff Association Executive Council consists of officers and representatives.

  • The Executive Council normally consists of twelve (12) representatives, including three (3) officers, elected from the membership. Council members can vote to amend this number if circumstances are warranted. The representation shall be established in the bylaws.

  • The Executive Council shall have the power to call meetings, to appoint committees, and to appoint representatives to the College Committees.

  • The Executive Council has the authority by means of a quorum to ask a representative to step down from an elected or appointed position.

  • Officers must have served as a representative on the Executive Council for at least one 3-year term before becoming an officer. 

  • The officers share responsibility for convening meetings, taking minutes, meeting with the senior administration and Board of Trustees.

  • The representatives are responsible for attending monthly Executive Council meetings, serving on College committees and working groups, and supporting the mission of the Staff Association.

  • Representatives shall be elected every fall to fill vacancies for a three-year term. They may serve two consecutive terms and be elected again after a one-year interval.

  • Whenever possible, individual terms for officers should be staggered to provide continuity.

  • The Executive Council shall publish a slate of nominated candidates for the positions of officers and representatives on the Executive Council two (2) weeks before the fall election.

  • The nominated candidates may include write-in candidates whose names do not appear on the printed ballots.

  • The vote may be cast by written and/or electronic ballot.

Article VI. Committees

  • The Executive Council will send delegates to College committees. The delegates shall attend Executive Council meetings to report on committee activities.

  • The Executive Council shall appoint ad hoc committees as necessary.

  • All committees shall be broad based and shall represent various segments of the staff.

Article VII. Vacancies

  • The Executive Council shall fill any vacancies, effective until the next election.
  • In the event of a mid-year vacancy, the Executive Council may appoint a representative to serve a limited term until the next election. Appointments shall be for the calendar year (January 1st through December 31st).

Article VIII. Quorum

  • 30% attendance of representatives shall constitute a quorum at any Executive Council meeting or to validate proceedings.

Article IX. Amendments

  • The Constitution may be amended by the Officers or have a 2/3 majority of those on the Executive Council approval.  Copies of the proposed amendment shall have been circulated to the Officers or the Executive Council before the amendment is approved. The bylaws may be similarly amended.

Article X. Meetings

  • General meetings shall be held at least once a semester or at the request of the Executive Council, the officers, or 10 members of the Association.

  •  The Executive Council shall meet monthly or at least twice a semester or at the request of 10 members of the Association.


  • Staff Association notices shall be posted in major campus buildings on bulletin boards designated by the College for posting of position openings as well as on the website.

  • Notices of an agenda for general meetings shall be sent to members at least one week in advance of the meeting. Special meetings may be called with 48-hour written notice.

  • Employee categories are Administrative-Professional (AP), Service-Craft (SC), and Clerical-Technical (CT). Elected Staff Association Executive Committee members (whether elected, appointed, or volunteer) are expected to be mindful that they have the responsibility of representing the interests of all the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô staff and that in all matters they have the responsibility of treating everyone with mutual respect.

  • The Board of Trustees invites 2 Staff Association representatives to attend its meetings. These representatives shall be appointed by the Executive Council and shall be chosen from the current Executive Council representatives at the time of appointment.

  • The term shall be three years, and elections and appointments shall be staggered to provide continuity.

  • Representatives may succeed themselves once and may serve again after a one-year interval.

  • It is expected that representatives will attend all meetings to the best of all their ability and, when possible, inform in advance when not able to attend. If a representative has missed three consecutive meetings, they may be asked to step down from the Executive Council to make room for an alternate who may be able to participate more fully.

This version of the Constitution was approved by vote on December 15, 2022.