Dorm Leadership

Dorm Leadership Team - All

Living and Leading

Each dorm has a number of students who serve as dorm officers.

In all of the dorms there will be at least two Hall Advisors (HAs), two or more pairs of Customs People, one Dorm President, and a couple of Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Representatives. The Dorm Presidents, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Representatives are elected positions while the Customs People and Hall Advisors are appointed by the Dean's Office and the Office of Residential Life, respectively. Also living in some residence halls are Community Diversity Assistants (CDAs) and Peer Mentors.

Dorm Leadership Roles

  • Hall Advisors are responsible for a specific group of residents, usually on a particular floor
  • They provide information about the College and its services
  • They work with individuals to promote a positive community on the hall
  • They plan many different hall events and activities throughout the year

Position Description

Contact: Angie Sheets

  • Customs People work in pairs on a particular hall. New students are placed in a "Customs Group," which includes the other new students on the hall and is led by the Customs People who also live on the hall.
  • Customs People help new students make the transition to Bryn Mawr
  • Customs People serve as helpers, resource persons, role models, and friends to new students for the entire year

Position Description
Contact: Andrew Wilbrahim

  • Dorm presidents host dorms meetings, including the first hall meeting
  • They handle party forms and common area reservations
  • They oversee dorm funds
  • They help plan activities and parties for the dorm
  • They represent the dorm at Residence Council, which works on issues such as Facilities and Housekeeping concerns, posting policy, room changes, and organizing campus events

They direct all Traditions for their dorms including WTF week and May Day.

  • Community Diversity Assistants develop programming for residence halls regarding issues of multiculturalism and diversity
  • They assist peers with concerns related to multiculturalism and diversity

Position Description
Contact: A.T. Ortiz

  • Peer Mentors plan, publicize, and offer workshops on study skills for first-year students
  • They serve as a general academic resource for new students in the dorms
  • They assist new students with time and stress management strategies
  • They offer assistance to new students with general course planning, selection, and registration

Position Description
Contact: Rachel Heiser

Join the Dorm Leadership Team!

Complete an application on eRezLife to apply for any Dorm Leadership Team position. If you have questions, please email

Take a tour with the DLT!

Some members of our Dorm Leadership Team volunteered to showcase the best parts of their dorms. Check out their YouTube tours below:

New Dorm >
Brecon >
Merion >
Pembroke West >
Rockefeller >
Residential Life and Student Engagement - Meet the Team

Contact us

Residential Life & Student Engagement

You can find us on campus on the second floor of the Campus Center!

Residential Life

Student Engagement