Departmental Learning Goals

Spanish Department Learning Goals Spring 2021

A. The learning goals for the Spanish Department include the following:

1. Linguistic competency in Spanish. Our sequence of courses is designed to improve communication using a variety of registers, taking into account aural, oral, reading and writing competencies. At the 200 and 300 levels, students are expected to express themselves effectively and with facility, both orally and in writing.

2. Critical Thinking. In all classes, especially at the 200 and 300 levels, students will demonstrate critical thinking through interactions in class, oral presentations, writing short and long essays on a variety of literary, cultural and linguistic topics.

3. Cultural Competency. In all classes, especially at the 200 and 300 levels, students will acquire familiarity with the history, cultural and literary movements and currents in the Hispanic world, including Spain, Latin America, the Hispanic Caribbean, and Latino communities in the United States. Competency will be demonstrated through the discussion and analysis of historical events, literary texts and other texts (film, newspapers, videos, popular culture).

B. How our courses intersect with the College’s institutional goals:

Language Courses




SPAN 001 (Beginning Spanish I)

Writing, Oral Communication, Critical Thinking

Interaction in class, journals and short written assignments, oral presentations, quizzes, compositions, a midterm, and

a final exam

SPAN 002 (Beginning Spanish II)

Writing, Oral Communication, Critical Thinking

Interaction in class, journals and short written assignments, oral presentations, quizzes,

compositions, a midterm, and a final exam

SPAN 100 (Basic Intermediate Spanish)

Writing, Oral Communication, Critical Thinking

Interaction in class, journals and short written assignments, oral presentations, quizzes, compositions, a midterm, and

a final exam

SPAN 101 (Intermediate Spanish)

Writing, Oral Communication, Critical Thinking

Interaction in class, journals and short written assignments, oral presentations, quizzes, compositions, a midterm, and

a final exam


SPAN 102 (Advanced Language Through Culture)

Writing, Oral Communication, Critical Thinking

Interaction in class, journals and short written assignments, oral presentations, quizzes, compositions, a midterm, and

a final exam


Literature / Culture / Linguistics Courses




SPAN 120 (Introduction to Literary Analysis)

Writing, Oral Communication, Critical Thinking

Discussion in class, oral presentations, quizzes, short essays, a midterm, and a final



Writing, Research, Oral Communication, Critical Thinking

Discussion in class, full length essays, oral and written analysis in various literary genres, a midterm,

and a final exam or long essay.

216 (Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics)

Writing, Research, Oral Communication, Critical Thinking, Quantitative Ability, Problem-Solving Ability

Discussion in class, full length essays, short written assignments, oral and written analysis for various sub-fields

of linguistics, a midterm, and a final exam or long essay.


Writing, Research, Oral Communication, Critical Thinking

Discussion in class, full length essays, oral and written analysis of various literary genres, history, and literary criticism; final essay

(10-15 pages)

398 Senior Seminar

Writing, Research, Oral Communication, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving Ability

Discussion in class, full length essays, analysis of texts in various literary genres, history, and literary criticism; final essay or


399 Senior Essay (optional)

Writing, Research, Oral Communication, Critical

Thinking, Problem-Solving Ability

Senior Thesis (35-page minimum)/ Oral Defense


Contact Us

Department of Spanish

Old Library 103
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5198
Fax: 610-526-7479

Martín Gaspar, Chair
Phone: 610-526-5681

Leslie Diarra, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone: (610) 526-5198