FAQs for Prospective Students

  1. Do I need to audition? Should I include an arts supplement with my application?
  2. Can I take a tour of Bryn Mawr?
  3. Can I observe/participate in a dance class?
  4. Can I take dance courses even if I don't major in dance?
  5. How many dance studios are there?
  6. How big are the dance classes?
  7. What kind of dance courses does Bryn Mawr offer?
  8. Is there live accompaniment for dance classes?
  9. How many dance majors or minors are there?
  10. How many faculty members are there?
  11. Are there performance opportunities?
  12. Does Bryn Mawr provide career counseling?
  13. What do dance majors do when they graduate?
  14. What about the summer?

1. Do I need to audition? Should I include an arts supplement with my application?

Auditions are not required for admission to the College. 

We encourage prospective students with prior training to submit arts supplements for consideration via the Common Application Portfolio (SlideRoom). Video of four to five minutes of dancing is sufficient, and should include a clear indication of who the prospective student is in the video (e.g., "I'm the dancer in red who enters second from stage left"). Prospective students with a fair amount of training should also include a dance resume or short paragraph describing training and experience.

2. Can I take a tour of Bryn Mawr?

To take a tour of the College, contact the Admissions Office. At the time of scheduling, indicate to Admissions the desire to meet with the Dance Program and/or see the dance studio, watch a class, or take a class.

3. Can I observe/participate in a dance class?

You are welcome to attend or observe a dance class. Visit the Dance Courses and Schedule page to see what's available. Either a member of the Dance Program or a tour guide will bring you to the dance studio.


4. Can I take dance courses even if I don't major in dance?

Yes! Students can take any courses that are appropriate for their interest, schedule, and skill level or experience, including complete beginners through pre-professional students. It does not matter whether students are dance majors or minors; classes are open to all, even after requirements have been fulfilled. 

5. How many dance studios are there?

See Dance Spaces.

6. How big are the dance classes?

Beginning level classes such as Beginning Ballet and Beginning Modern typically have 15-20 students; intermediate and advanced levels usually range from eight to 18. Open level classes such as hip hop, tap or Dance of the African Diaspora range have about 10-25 students. Ensembles and the School Performance Project are by audition or invitation and can range from four to 15 depending on the choreographer’s intention.


7. What kinds of dance courses does Bryn Mawr offer?

See Dance Courses and Schedule.

8. Is there live accompaniment for dance classes?

Ballet, modern, and African dance forms have live musicians.

9. How many dance majors or minors are there?

There are usually five to eight students who minor in Dance each year, with majors that range from Chemistry to English.

Typically there are two to four majors in the program in each graduating class. The major is directed through the Independent Major program to which a student submits a plan of study for approval.


10. How many faculty members are there?

In a typical year there are about 15 faculty and musical accompanists leaders in our dance courses. At the core are Director of Dance Dr. Lela Aisha Jones and Visiting Assistant Professor Tammy Carrasco along with ongoing professional hire faculty who have a continuing relationship with the program. Other professional hire faculty are new to the area and present additional teaching or choreographic possibilities; some are guest choreographers who are brought in for a semester to work with students. Visit the Dance Faculty page for more information.

11. Are there performance opportunities?

See Performance Opportunities

12. Does Bryn Mawr provide career counseling?

The Dance Program gives advice and counseling to dance-interested students on internships, summer programs, and post-graduation possibilities. See also the Career & Civic Engagement Center.


13. What do dance majors do when they graduate?

Some students go on to perform professionally, to teach dance in a variety of settings ranging from professional schools to community centers, to teach at the college or university level, to become dance critics, to become dance/movement therapists, to become arts management personnel, or to research and write about dance. Other students retain their lifelong interest in dance and go on to become doctors, lawyers, anthropologists, market analysts, writers, editors, English professors, etc.

14. What about summer?

See Support for Summer Study. (Bryn Mawr does not offer dance courses during the summer.)


FAQs for Current Students

  1. How do I register for dance courses?
  2. Can I take a dance course to satisfy my P.E. requirement?
  3. How many dance classes can I take per semester?
  4. How is level determined in technique courses?
  5. Can I audit a dance class?
  6. What's being offered in the coming semester?
  7. Is there any financial support for outside classes, workshops, summer internships, or courses of study?

1. How do I register for dance courses? How does credit work?

  • Most dance technique courses and all ensembles can be taken for .5 academic credit.  All technique and ensembles can be used to fulfill the P.E. requirement. You can register for P.E. or academic credit for any single course, not both. 
  • All Dance Studies courses and Dance Composition/Choreography/Screendance courses carry 1.0 academic credit. ARTD 403 Supervised Work may be taken for .5-1.0 academic credit.
  • Students who want to take dance courses for academic credit can do so through regular academic registration procedures on BiONiC under Dance - Arts Program. Students who want PE credit can register on BiONiC under Physical Education on the first day of each semester when P.E. registration opens. 

2. Can I take dance courses to fulfill my P.E. requirement?

Yes! Undergraduates can fulfill their P.E. elective credits through dance. Also, students may earn up to two credits for a pre-approved independent study in an accredited studio or with an accredited instructor in the area if a particular field of study is not offered as part of the curriculum, or if the student wants more classes at an advanced level.


3. How many dance classes can I take per semester?

Students may take as many courses as they wish, taking full academic schedule and workload into account.

If a student is a dedicated dancer who wants to dance every day or several days a week, the student may mix and match courses. If a student wants to take additional courses but no longer needs credit, they may continue to take classes. 

4. How is level determined in technique courses?

First-year students interested in intermediate or advanced ballet should attend a placement class during their first week on campus, announced in the Customs New Student Orientation schedule. 

For all other classes, see the guidelines below or contact the Dance Program to determine which level to take. The first week of class is a trial week to see if everyone is placed in an appropriate level.

General guidelines:

  • Level 1 = beginning students, students who have not danced since childhood, students who have not danced in four to five years and need time to get back in shape, students returning from injuries, etc.
  • Level 2 = students who have one-and-a-half to two years in a technique, more experienced dancers who are trying a new style or technique.
  • Level 3 = students with a minimum of three to four years in a technique, or permission of the instructor. 
  • Open level classes (e.g., Dance of the African Diaspora,tap, hip hop) accommodate both beginners and those returning to take the course again. It is possible for more advanced dancers to mix and match courses if there is a schedule conflict.


5. Can I audit a dance class?

A student may attend a course if there is space, and with a commitment to come to the class in a consistent manner. All auditors must register for PE credit.

6. What's being offered in the coming semester?

See Dance Courses and Schedule.

7. Is there any financial support for outside classes, workshops, summer internships, or courses of study?

See Support for Summer Study



Contact Us

Dance Program

Goodhart Hall
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5208

Lela Aisha Jones
Director of Dance
(610) 526-5207