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Finding the Right Pulso

"My first memory was seeing Nori skipping down the hallway. I saw her and felt little butterflies, seeing HER for the first time." - Martely Carrera '18

"My first memory was seeing Nori skipping down the hallway. I saw her and felt little butterflies, seeing HER for the first time." - Martely Carrera '18

Nori Cubias '17 & Martely Carrera '18

I [Martely] was in my senior year of high school and went to 杏吧原版影音 as a prospective student. I ended up in Denbigh 2nd floor hanging out with current students and talking about the openness and acceptance of queer students at BMC. My first memory was seeing Nori skipping down the hallway. I saw Nori and I felt little butterflies seeing her for the first time. My high school friend told me to talk to Nori and Celeste her roommate about the Latino culture in BMC and we talked about Mujeres, Pulso, and Zami. We thought that was the last time we would talk to each other. But we met a second time that summer before the next school year. That summer I got into Posse, and she was working at the dining hall. We kept running into each other and at one party they were playing bachata music and we ended up dancing and since that moment we became dance partners for life. 

Nori鈥檚 favorite memory: studying in Lusty Cup together, talking about our classes and exchanging knowledge about something we still do till this day. Also, all the traditions that we celebrated together - Lantern Night, Hell Week, May Day.

Martely鈥檚 favorite memory: dancing in Pulso, doing choreographies together and getting to explore our passion for dancing.

In 2019 we proposed to each other and by 2/22/22 we got married. Now present day we will be celebrating our 2nd year anniversary in 2024. 


Pronouns:  Nori: she/they; Martely: she/her

How do you identify: Nori: Salvadorian; Martely: Guatemalan.

AMOs, Clubs, or Sports: Both of us were part of Zami, Mujeres, Rugby, Pulso Latino,

Class Color: Nori: red; Martely: dark blue



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