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Francesca Marrapodi '25 Drives Growth in Berlin Sustainability Startup

October 9, 2024
Francesca Marrapodi

Name: Francesca Marrapodi 
Class Year: 2025 
Major: Growth and Structure of Cities 
Minors: Philosophy and Economics 
Hometown: Saratoga Springs, NY 
Internship Organization: Leaders for Climate Action 
Internship Title: Business Development Intern 
Location: Berlin, Germany 
What's happening at your internship? We would love to hear what kind of work you are doing! 
Leaders for Climate Action addresses the issue of climate inaction, specifically in business. The company recognizes that although many individuals believe that sustainability is important within business, there is often difficulty turning this passion into company action. So, the Non-profit provides sustainability managers from 4,000+ EU companies a platform to take in depth courses and to support each other along their sustainability journey.
My day to day includes sales, marketing and market research. Specifically, I reach out to sustainability managers who may benefit from LFCA鈥檚 community or courses, write LinkedIn posts for upcoming events, and help create new growth initiatives for LFCA. Additionally, I conduct research on LFCA鈥檚 market orientation, collecting and presenting information which can help LFCA inform their content, pricing and general strategy. 
Why did you apply for this internship? 
I applied to this internship at LFCA because the organization focuses on creating positive change and provides a link between my coursework at Bryn Mawr and my future aspirations. LFCA is a start-up and functions as a business, but has a goal of creating sustainability impact first and foremost. So this internship was a great opportunity to gain business experience while working towards meaningful change. The purpose driven model and passion for sustainability shines through in all LFCA employees which makes it an enthusiastic and rewarding place to work.    

Another reason I was drawn to this internship is that it develops a link between my education and future job applications. At LFCA, I can connect concepts from my courses in policy, cities, and economics to practical work in both the non-profit and business sectors. 
What has been your favorite part of this internship? 
Since LFCA鈥檚 team is small and encourages learning, this internship went beyond surface level tasks and went deeper into necessary and meaningful projects at LFCA. I was surprised and very grateful that I took on projects which were central to LFCA and developed new skills in the process. The team included me in strategy meetings, and ensured I could meet my career development goals throughout the internship. I found this deeper engagement to be valuable and loved working with a small welcoming team.
I am also grateful to be interning in a Berlin, where sustainability policy is advanced and I can develop skills in cross-cultural communication. I will take many lessons away from this internship and hope to apply them to future positions.   
Can you give us three adjectives and three nouns that describe your internship experience? 
   Developmental, Engaging, Purposeful 
   Berlin, Business-Development, Sustainability 
 Career & Civic Engagement Growth and Structure of Cities Philosophy Economics