Lela Aisha Jones

Assistant Professor and Director of Dance - Arts
Lela Aisha Jones headshot


Phone 610-526-5207
Location Goodhart 104A



Lela Aisha Jones (Assistant Professor) earned a B.S. in Health Science Education from the University of Florida, an M.F.A. in dance from Florida State University, and a Ph.D. from Texas Woman's University. Some of her most influential professional experiences have been in movement practice with Nia Love, Christal Brown | Inspirit, Barak Ade Sole, Moustapha Bangoura, Anssumane Silla, Sulley Imoro, Omi Osun Joni L. Jones, and Urban Bush Women. Founder of , Lela recently choreographed and performed with the Same Story Different Countries Project in Johannesburg and Cape Coast, South Africa (2017) directed by Dr. Lynnette Overby and in Onye Ozuzu's work at Dance Gathering in Lagos, Nigeria (2019). She presented her work Plight Release and the Diasporic Body at the African American Museum of Philadelphia with, and in response to, the work of visual artist and scholar Fahamu Pecou (2019). Her awards and honors include a 2015 Leeway Foundation Transformation Award and a 2016 Pew Fellowship in the Arts. Lela is grateful to continue her work as an artist scholar, movement performance artist, and interdisciplinary collaborator as a member of the faculty in the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô Dance Program.