Dissertations List



  • CSBE = W.W. Briggs and W.M. Calder III (edd.), Classical Scholarship: A Biographical Encyclopedia (New York and London 1990)
  • BDNAC = Ward W. Briggs, Jr. (ed.) Biographical Dictionary of North American Classicists (Greenwood Press: Westport, CT and London, 1994)


1895. Franklin, Susan Braley. Traces of epic influence in the tragedies of Aeschylus. [Published Baltimore : Friedenwald, 1895. 81 pp.] {Director: H.W. Smyth}

1897. Warren (later Wilson), Winifred. A study of conjunctional temporal clauses in Thukydides. [Berlin : Unger, 1897; see also summary in TAPhA 28 (1897) lxi-lxv]. {Directors: H.W. Smyth and G. Lodge}

1905. Claflin, Edith Frances. The syntax of the Boetian dialect inscriptions. [Published Baltimore, Md., The Lord Baltimore Press, 1905. 93 p. = 杏吧原版影音 Monograph series, v. 3]. {?Directors: H.W. Smyth and G. Lodge}. bio/bibliography: W.W. Briggs, Jr. in BDNAC p. 96.

1905. Willis, Gwendolen Brown. The Ancient gods in Greek romance. [Published Chicago, 1905]. 53 pp. {?Director: H.N. Sanders}

1913. Swindler, Mary Hamilton. Cretan elements in the cults and ritual of Apollo. [Published as 杏吧原版影音 Monographs XIII]. {Director: H.N. Sanders}

1917. Darkow, Angela Charlotte. The spurious speeches in the Lysianic corpus. [Published Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1917]. 95 pp. {Director: W.C. Wright}

1923. Milne, Marjorie Josephine. A study in Alcidamas and his relation to contemporary sophistic [Published Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1924. 64 pp.]. {Director: H.N. Sanders}

1924. Smith, Edith Marion. Naukratis, a chapter in the history of the hellenization of Egypt. [Published Vienna, Austria, 1926. 88 pp.]. {Director: W.C. Wright}

1940. Tolles, Delight. The banquet-libations of the Greeks. 151 pp. {Director: L.R. Taylor}

1941. Wyckoff, Elizabeth Porter. Pindar's handling of ethical problems raised by traditional mythology. 111 pp. {Director: R. Lattimore}

1942. Lever, Katherine. Early Tudor drama and old Greek comedy: a study of didactic and satiric plays. 309 pp. [Published Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1942] {Directors: R. Carpenter and S.C. Chew}

1944. Lang, Mabel. Biographical patterns of folklore and morality in Herodotus' History. {Director: R. Lattimore}

1949. Lyding (later Will), Elizabeth. Homeric enjambement. {Directors: M. Lang and R. Lattimore}

1951. Reesor, Margaret Elaine. The political theory of the Old and Middle Stoa. 143 pp. {Director: R. Lattimore}

1952. Boulter, Elizabeth Patricia Neils. The Heraclidae of Euripides, an introduction and commentary. {Director: R. Lattimore}

1954. Hughes, Barbara Lenore. The dramatic use of imagery in Aeschylus. 162 pp. {Director: R. Lattimore}

1955. Bacon, Helen Hazard. Barbarians in Greek tragedy. 182 pp. {Director: R. Lattimore}

1956. Townsend (later Vermeule), Emily Dickinson. Bacchylides and lyric style. 107 pp. {Director: R. Lattimore}

1967. Schmidt, Alesandra McCoy. Pindar: the eighth Nemean. 147 pp. {Director: R. Lattimore}

1968. Matsen, Patricia Paden. Hesiod's Works and Days and Homeric oral poetry. 162 pp. {Directors: R. Lattimore and M. Lang}

1970. Hunter, Virgina Joyce. Paradeigma and Pattern in Thucydides' History. A Study of Motivation and Structure. 332 pp. [Published as Thucydides: The Artful Reporter (Hakkert: Toronto 1973)]. {Director: M. Lang}

1971. Abbott, Ann Margaret. The wise man in Euripides. {Director: R. Lattimore}

Cederstrom, Eleanor Ross. A study of the nature and function of dreams in Greek tragedy. 242 pp. {Director: R. Lattimore}

Woodside, Lisa Nicole. Proliferation of incident and symbol in certain themes in the Iliad. 141 pp. {Director: M. Lang}

1978. Demand, Nancy. Thebes in the fifth century. 240 pp. {Director: M. Lang}

1980. Rowland, Ingrid Drake. Hieros aner [microform] : an interpretation of the "Holy Man" in classical Greece. 151 pp. {Director: G. Dickerson}

1982. Roth, Paul Andrew. Mantis: the nature, function, and status of a Greek prophetic type. v + 312 pp. {Director: G. Dickerson}

1984. Burgess, Dana Livingston. Late Euripidean narrative. v + 176 pp. {Director: R. Hamilton}

1986. Barnes, Harry R. Studies in the diction and meter of early Greek elegy. {Director: R. Hamilton}

1987. Olson, S. Douglas. Poetic purposes and internal logical incoherence in four Aristophanic comedies. 158 pp. {Directors: G. Dickerson and R. Hamilton}

1989. Gordon, Pamela. Diogenes of Oenoanda: Epicureanism in the second Sophistic. 199 pp. {Director: J.H. Gaisser}

1996. Fletcher, Judith. The power to tell: Gender, communication and the tragic chorus. {Directors: G. Dickerson and R. Hamilton}

Kantzios, Ippokratis. The evolving identity of archaic Greek iambus. {Director: R. Hamilton}

1998. Sternberg, Rachel Hall. Pity and Pragmatism: A Study of Athenian Attitudes toward Compassion in Fifth and Fourth Century Historiography and Oratory. {Directors: T.C. Brennan and R. Hamilton}

2001. Goldstein, Ann Deborah. The Hippocratic Treatise {Directors: R. Hamilton and W.D. Smith}

Classical Languages

1993. Abrahamsen, Laura. The tragedy of identity in Senecan drama. ii + 176 pp. {Director: J. Gaisser}

Sacks, Edward S. The web of change in Ovid's Metamorphoses. viii + 255 pp. {Director: J. Gaisser}

Classical Studies

1996. Salowey, Christina Antonia. The Peloponnesian Herakles: Cults and Labors. {Directors: G. Dickerson and B. Ridgway

2005. Klaassen, Elizabeth. Ethnicity and empire: Vergilian imitation in Silius Italicus' "Punica"

2009. Hutchinson, Eric. Quid facit cum evangeliis Maro?: The cultural background of Sedulius' intertextual argument with Vergil in the Paschale Carmen"

2013. Sisk, Jessica. Female friendships in Greco-Roman antiquity

2014. Mulhern, Eleanor. Roman Nostalgia: Exemplarity and Romanitas in Late Republican and Imperial Literature

2017. Burnett, Lee Franklin. Satur(n-alic-i)a Regna: The Neronian Grotesque and the Satires of Seneca, Persius, and Petronius

Kuper, Charles Nestor. The Latin Controversial Dialogues of Late Antiquity

Sieteski, Sara Lynn. Recontextualizing Military Structures along the Stanegate and Hadrian's Wall, Utilizing Aerial Photography and GIS Mapping. 

Walker, Abbe Lind. Bride of Hades to Bride of Christ: The Virgin and the Otherworldly Bridegroom in Ancient Greece and Early Christain Rome. 


1897. Emery (later Allinson), Anne Crosby. The historical present in early Latin. [Published Ellsworth ME, 1897.] {Directors: H.W. Smyth and G. Lodge}

1902. Ritchie, Mary Helen. A study of conditional and temporal clauses in Pliny the Younger. [Published Philadelphia : Avil, 1902. 57 pp.]. {Director: G. Lodge}

1904. Perkins (later Lyders), Elizabeth Mary. The expression of customary action of state in early Latin : A study in tense functions. [Published Wash., 1904. 78 pp.] {Director: A.L. Wheeler}

1911. Coulter, Cornelia Catlin. Retractatio in the Ambrosian and Palatine recensions of Plautus; a study of the Persa, Poenulus, Pseudolus, Stichus and Trinummus. [Published Baltimore, J.H. Furst, 1911. 120 pp.] . {Directors: A.L. Wheeler, T. Frank}. bio/bibliography: Betty Nye Quinn in BDNAC pp. 114-115.

1912. Taylor, Lily Ross. The cults of Ostia. 98 pp. [Published as 杏吧原版影音 Monographs XI]. {Director: T. Frank}

1915. Duckett, Eleanor Shipley. Studies in Ennius. [Published Bryn Mawr PA, 1915.] {Director: T. Frank}

1918. Park, Marion Edwards. The Plebs in Cicero's day. A study of their provenance and of their employment. [Published Cambridge, MA 1918. 90 pp.] {Director: T. Frank}

1920. Adams (later Holland), Louise E.W.脻 A study in the commerce of Latium from the early iron age through the sixth century B.C. 72 pp. {Director: T. Frank}. bio/bibliography: T.R.S. Broughton in BDNAC pp. 287-289

Byrne, Alice Hill. Titus Pomponius Atticus. Chapters from a biography. 81 pp. {Director: T. Frank}

Wieand (later Cole), Helen Emma.脻 Deception in Plautus: a study in the technique of Roman comedy. [Published Boston : R. G. Badger, 1920. 201 pp.] {Director: A.L. Wheeler}

1931. Rosenzweig, Irene.The ritual and cults of pre-Roman Iguvium. 139 pp. {Director: L.R. Taylor}

1933. Abaecherli (later Boyce), Aline l. The institution of the imperial cult in the western provinces of the Roman empire. 149 pp. [Published in edited form in Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni 11 (Bologna 1935) 153-86]. {Director: L.R. Taylor}

1934. Baldwin (later Rich), Faith P. Gaius Asinius Pollio: a biography and historical study. 120 pp. [Published in edited form as The activities of C. Asinius Pollio, 42-38 B. C. and their connection with the eighth and fourth Eclogues of Vergil (Chicago, 1944) 38 pp.] {Director: not ascertained}

Lake (later Michels), Agnes Kirsopp. Campana supellex : the pottery deposit at Minturnae. 58 pp. [Published Rome, 1935.] {Directors: L.R. Taylor and L.A. Holland}

Marti, Berthe Marie. The adoration of the Roman emperor from Augustus to Charlemagne. 150 pp. {Director: L.R. Taylor}

1935. Goodfellow, Charlotte Elizabeth. Roman citizenship; a study of its territorial and numerical expansion from the earliest time to the death of Augustus. [Published Lancaster, Pa., Lancaster Press, inc. 1935. 124 pp.] {Directors: L.R. Taylor and T.R.S. Broughton}

1937. Deutsch (later Bagnall), Rosamund Esther. The pattern of sound in Lucretius. 2 vols. 236 pp. [Published ?Bryn Mawr PA, 1939. 188 pp.] {Director: L.R. Taylor}

1939. Savage, Susan May. The cults of ancient Trastevere. [published in Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome XVII (1940)]. {Director: L.R. Taylor}

1939. Tait, Jane Isabella Marion.Philodemus' influence on the Latin poets. [Published Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1941]. v + 118 pp. {Director: L.R. Taylor}

1940. Broome (later Downs), Emma Hope. The Peshitto as a revision: its background in Syria and Greek texts of Mark. 187 pp. {Director: not ascertained}

Holzworth, Jean. An unpublished commentary on Ovid's Fasti. 217 pp. [Published in edited form as "Hugutio's Derivationes and Arnulfus' Commentary on Ovid's Fasti", TAPhA 73 (1942) 259-276.] {Director: B. Marti}

Patterson, Marcia l. Roman magistrates during the Second Punic War. 354 pp. [Published in edited form in TAPhA 73 (1942) 319-40; see also T.R.S. Broughton "with the collaboration of Marcia L. Patterson", Magistrates of the Roman Republic I (New York 1951) 237-323] {Director: T.R.S. Broughton}

1941. Alston, Jessie Winifred. The Heraclids. 229 pp. {Director: R. Carpenter} (Apparently a Latin Ph.D.?)

1942. Gruber, Hester Jane. Civitates liberae under the Roman republic. [?Published Bryn Mawr, Pa. 1942]. {Director: T.R.S. Broughton}

1950. Russell (later White), Helen Elizabeth.脻 Insignia of office as rewards in the Roman Republic: Advancement in rank under the Roman republic as a reward for the soldier and the public prosecutor. 92 pp. {Director: L.R. Taylor}

1951. Hoffman (later Lewis), Martha Wilson. The membership of the four major colleges of priests from 44 B.C. to 37 A.D. 180 pp. [Published as The official priests of Rome under the Julio-Claudians. American Academy in Rome Papers and Monographs XVI (Rome 1955)]. {Directors: L.R. Taylor and T.R.S. Broughton}

1952. Hoy, Louise E. Price. Political influence in Roman prosecutions, 75 B.C. to 60 B.C.: with a listing of the trials. 136 pp. {Director: L.R. Taylor}

Uhlfelder, Myra L. De proprietate sermonum vel rerum. [Published in MAAR 1954]. {Director: B. Marti}

1954. Stanley, Alice D. Lucius Aemilius Paullus. 156 pp. {Director: T.R.S. Broughton}

1955. Taylor (later Bishop), Doris M.脻 Cosa: black glaze pottery. 213 pp. + plates. {Director: A. Michels}

Halle (later Lenaghan), Lydia. A study of moralization in Livy. 207 pp. {Director: A. Michels}

1961. Wilkinson (later Rawson), Beryl Marie. The names of children in Roman imperial epitaphs: a study of social conditions in the lower classes. 200 pp. {Director: L.R. Taylor}

1962. Forte, Bettie L. Greek sentiment towards Rome and the Romans: a study in Graeco-Roman relations. 353 pp. {Director: T.R.S. Broughton}

Geffcken, Katherine A. A dominant structural pattern in the poems of Catullus: its use and its relation to other structural devices. 222 pp. {Director: A. Michels}

Heibges, Ursula Margarete. The religious beliefs of Cicero's time as reflected in his speeches. 174 pp. {Director: A. Michels}

Jones, Dargan. Horace's idea of poetry and the poet. 288 pp. {Director: A. Michels}

1965. Esler, Carol Clemeau. Joseph of Exeter's Bellum Troianum: a literary study and English translation. 301 pp. {Director: B. Marti}

1968. Broege, Valerie Anne. The political career of Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus. iv + 148 pp. {Director: M. Uhlfelder}

Le Moine (later Midelfort), Fannie John. A litererary re-evaluation of the De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii of Martianus Capella. 310 pp. [Published as Martianus Capella: A Literary Re-Evaluation in M眉nchener Beitr盲ge zur Medi盲vistik und Renaissance-Forschung 10 (Munich 1972) 245 pp.] {Director: M. Uhlfelder}

MacKay, Theodora Stillwell. Olba in Rough Cilicia. xxii + 242 pp. + 10 leaves of plates.

Robbins, Mary Ann Staples. Heroes and men in Livy 1-10. 299 pp. {Director: A. Michels}

1970. Hunt, John Mortimer. The Aegritudo perdicae. Edited with translation and commentary. 207 pp. {Director: M. Uhlfelder}

1971. Dickison, Sheila K. The Genius Populi Romani. 2 vols. 170 pp. + plates. {Director: R.T. Scott}

1972. Fromchuck, Arlene H. The concept of Fides in the Histories of Tacitus. 240 pp. {Director: R.T. Scott}

1973. Pearcy, Lee T. Tacitus' use of species, imago, effigies, and simulacrum. 195 pp. {Director: A. Michels}

Stevens, Henry J., Jr. Lorenzo Valla's Elegantiae: a humanistic view of the Latin language. 92 pp. {Director: M. Uhlfelder}

1978. Gibbes, Catherine Spotwood. The Roman Republican denarii of M. Metellus Q.f., C. Serveilius, and Q. Maximus: a numismatic and historical study. 58 pp. {Director: R.T. Scott}

1980. Salzman, Michele Renee. Studies on the Calendar of 354. 2v. 210 pp. + 89 pp. of plates. [Published as On Roman time : the codex-calendar of 354 and the rhythms of urban life in late antiquity. Berkeley : University of California Press (1990). xxii + 315 pp., [46] p. of plates] {Director: R.T. Scott}

1981. Taddei, Rosemarie Madeleine. A stylistic and structural study of Prudentius' Hamartigenia. iv + 282 pp. {Director: M. Uhlfehlder}

1986. Burke, Brian Charles. Cicero the champion of virtus. 193 pp. {Director: R.T. Scott}

1987. Dulabahn, Elizabeth Snowden. Studies on the Laterculus of Polemius Silvius. 2, iii + 253 [+ 1] pp. {Director: R.T. Scott}

Edwards (later Welch), Stephanie Justin. Parody and poetics in the Satires of Juvenal. 342 pp. {Director: R.T. Scott}

1988. Gowing, Alain M. The triumviral period in Appian and Cassius Dio. vii + 425 pp. [Published as The triumviral narratives of Appian and Cassius Dio. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press (1992). xiii + 374 pp.] {Director: D. Potter}

1993. Slagter, Matthew J. Transitio ad plebem: the exchange of patrician for plebeian status. xxvi + 297 pp. {Director: G. Forsythe}

1994.Rose, Jonathan S. Parthenius of Nicaea and the rise of Alexandrianism at Rome. 191 pp. {Director: J. Gaisser}

Weston, Edward T. Lucan the satirist. 347 pp. {Director: R.T. Scott}

1996. Sargent, Jeanette L. The novelty of Ovid's Heroides: Libretti for Pantomime. {Director: J. Gaisser}

1998. George, Lisa Rengo. "Enticers, Destroyers, Ruin of Young Men": Reading the Plautine Meretrix. {Director: R. T. Scott}

Lackie, Pamela Delia. The Commander's Consilium in Republican Rome. {Director: T.C. Brennan}

2000. Celia E. Schultz. Women in Roman Republican Religion {Director: R.T. Scott}

2001. Kuyat, David Jesse. Doctus lector: Propertius Book Three and Horace's Odes.{Director: J. Gaisser}

2003. Johnston, William Marshall, Jr. Cornelius Nepos: the Historian and His Tradition. {Directors: R.T. Scott, T.C. Brennan}

2004. Faris, Suzanne Bringier. How Much Is Too Much? Eruditio, Identity, and the Bonus Vir Dicendi Peritus. {Director: R.T. Scott}

2005. Klaassen, Elizabeth Kennedy.  Ethnicity and Empire:  Vergilian Imitation in Silius Italicus' Punica. {Director: R.T. Scott}