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Fall Departure and Spring Planning Information

October 14, 2020

This message was sent to ÐÓ°ÉÔ­°æÓ°Òô students by the Residential Life Office on Oct. 14, 2020.

Dear Students: 

We hope this email finds you healthy and well—wherever you are! We write today to share information about housing after the transition to remote learning in November, winter break housing, and spring semester planning. 

Within the next week you will receive a housing and enrollment form to complete to indicate your plans regarding housing beyond November 23. This form will be due sometime during the first week of November. The information below is intended to provide you with additional details regarding housing that will be helpful to you as you plan and complete that form. 

Dorm Closing in November 

  • Unless you request to remain on campus through the end of the semester, you will need to depart campus by NOON on Monday, November 23.  
    • While you are not expected to take all of your belongings with you (unless you are not planning to return in the spring), we recommend taking all items needed for a prolonged absence in case there is an unexpected shift in public health guidelines. You will not be able to return to get belongings from your dorm, and staff will not be available to retrieve and ship items to you.  
    • While packing, please keep in mind that college staff will enter rooms to perform dorm closing safety inspections, remove air conditioners, and perform other necessary maintenance throughout the break.  
    • We recognize that family or friends may need to pick you up from campus; however, guests are not permitted to enter the dorms. Please remember that guests on campus must always follow all of our COVID-19 safety guidelines (including wearing masks, physically distancing, and symptom checking prior to arrival). 
  • All students (commuter and residential, including those requesting to stay through December 20) must be tested for COVID in November. The November testing dates are November 11, 14, and 16. Students leaving campus will be assigned testing days based on their departure date to allow test results to arrive on time. Students who are leaving campus should observe a modified quarantine from the day you were tested until the day you leave. The modified quarantine will include limiting activities to attending classes, obtaining meals from dining halls, student employment, and off campus essential activities such as medical appointments.  
  • For students who request to stay beyond November 23rd, additional testing in December will be required. You will be asked to schedule your test about five days before your departure date (to allow for test results to arrive), and then observe a modified quarantine from the day you were tested until the day you leave.  
    • If you request to stay in campus housing through December 20, there is no additional charge for room and board. Unless there are safety or facilities related concerns you will be able to stay in your current room. You will need to vacate your room by Sunday, December 20 at NOON unless you have been approved for winter break housing.    
    • During this period, you will be expected to remain on campus except for essential functions, such as medical appointments.  
    • Dining, Housekeeping, Health and Counseling Services, the Campus Center, bookstore, post office, library, and academic building common areas will be available through the end of exams, though with reduced hours and services. The Blue Bus will not run during this period. There will be no in-person classes, but you may meet with faculty, work in the labs, and continue to work at your campus job if it is available. Campus Safety will continue to operate 24/7. 
    • Once you depart campus, you will not be permitted to return until your scheduled move-in date in January. 

Staying Over Winter Break 

  • Winter break housing (December 20 through move in for spring semester) will be extremely limited due to decreased staffing and services and the availability of empty rooms for consolidation. Because of this, all students (with the exception of international students) will be expected to leave campus for winter break. If you feel your circumstances require an exception to be given permission to stay over winter break, you should contact your dean by November 2. 
  • The cost for this five-week period will be at a flat rate of $350, which will include housing and a limited meal plan. This fee will applied to your spring tuition bill. 
  • For safety reasons, the college will use empty dorm rooms to consolidate students during the break. This will require some students to move into different dorms, but students will not be living in other students’ rooms. The exact dorms that will be used for winter break housing will be determined in later November. 
  • During this period, you will be expected to remain on campus except for essential functions, such as medical appointments. This means you will not be permitted to visit family or friends off campus during the break. 
  • The following services will continue to be available: Dining, Housekeeping, telecounseling, and telehealth. The Campus Center, bookstore and post office will also remain open with limited hours. Campus Safety will continue to operate 24/7. 

Communicating Your Plans for Spring 

You will be required to indicate your plans for the spring semester on the housing and enrollment form that will be due during the first week of November.   

  • Students currently living in campus housing will: 
    • Indicate your plan to return to campus housing for the spring (and remain in your current room). 
    • Request to live off campus independently for the spring. It is important to remember that apartments can be difficult to find or lease for shorter periods of time, so it will be important to investigate options early. 
    • Request to live off campus with family for the spring. 
  • Students currently living off campus independently or with family will: 
    • Indicate your plan to remain living off campus independently or with family. 
    • Request to live on campus in the spring.
We will have additional rooms available for students who want to return to campus housing in the spring, but we cannot guarantee campus housing to all who may request it. All requests for on campus housing will be reviewed and students will be notified by December 4th at the latest.  Factors such as class year, academic requirements, health and safety of learning environment, etc. will all be taken into consideration when reviewing requests.
Please keep in mind that a change of residential status may result in a change to how financial aid is calculated for the spring semester.  Students who receive need-based aid will see a decrease to their spring financial aid award if they change their status to living with their family during the spring semester. Students with specific questions about their financial aid award should reach out to the Financial Aid Office at
For your reference, a calendar of the key dates for fall and spring planning is below. 
  • First Week of November: Deadline to submit form indicating plans for fall departure and spring 2021 
  • Wednesday, 11/11: November Testing Day 
  • Saturday, 11/14: November Testing Day 
  • Monday, 11/16: November Testing Day 
  • Friday, 11/20: Last day of in-person classes 
  • Monday, 11/23: Dorms close at NOON (except for those who requested to stay) 
  • Friday, 12/18: Last day of exams 
  • Sunday, 12/20: Dorms close at NOON (except for those approved to stay over winter break) 
  • Saturday, 1/23: Staggered move-in begins (update Jan. 14, 2021: because of a change in schedule, move-in is now staggered from Feb. 6-9)
  • Friday, 1/29: Spring 2021 classes begin (update Jan. 14, 2021: first day of class is now Feb. 12)

We recognize that the planning process may be complicated, and we will support you as much as possible. We encourage you to contact your dean or Residential Life with any questions. Additional information, including the form regarding housing and enrollment plans will be forthcoming!

With best wishes,

Angie Sheets       
Associate Dean for Residential Life                               

ViAnna Bernard
Assistant Dean for Residential Life

Residential Life Office
Tel: 610-526-7331

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